Fine tuning for a healthier lifestyle


Dietary Fibre

Non starch polysaccharides (NSP) is another name for dietary fibre. Whilst they are a group of complex carbohydrates they are not a source of energy for humans, and, because your digestive system cannot break down the sugars NSP adds no calories to your diet. The fact that NSP can’t be digested makes it an important part of your diet. NSP helps move food through the digestive system, especially the gut, and assists with the absorption of some nutrients, as well as providing bulk to the food you eat.

Different Types of Dietary Fibre

There are two types of NSP: (1) insoluble and (2) soluble, and they both just as important as each other for our diets.

Good Sources

Examples: haricot and red kidney beans, brown rice, All Bran and Shredded Wheat, wholemeal bread, peas

Bad Sources

Examples: white bread, white pasta, white rice