Fine tuning for a healthier lifestyle



Fats are necessary for cell membranes, provide us with phospholipids which is a major structural component of cells, brain tissue, the yellow bone marrow, protect organs and nerves, provide insulation, help store energy and fat soluble vitamins, as well as help with hormone production.

Different Types of Fats

There are five types of fats: (1) saturated fats, (2) trans fatty acid, (3) monounsaturated fats, (4) polyunsaturated fats, and (5) essential fatty acids which include omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9.

Good Sources

Examples: cold pressed virgin olive oil, rapeseed oil, avocados, nuts, walnut oil, corn oil, sesame oil, linseed, pumpkin seeds, soybeans

Bad Sources

Examples: margarines, breakfast cereals, biscuits, confectionary, chocolate, butter, pastry


Cholesterol is a hard, waxy fatty substance that is essential for physical health and has over the past few years been given some bad press when in fact it has many virtues. Cholesterol has three essential functions in the body: it is a constituent of cell membranes; is a precursor of bile acids and steroid hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone; and is necessary for vitamin D synthesis.